Info Internet Bussiness

[Saturday, January 31, 2009]

The best way to increase traffic web/blog


Trick SEO discussion is always interesting to study in this article may be more to provide the information you really need to improve Your traffic web / blog.
In fact many ways that can be done in order to promote the blog
known many people, but there are also some who do not understand and
to promote ethics in the blog, sometimes in order to be any way
blog became popular. This is actually the most important point
visitors to the blog that we made, so that the information
and there can be up to the maximum to many readers.

This paper provides important information for the new blogger beginner
start a blog and want to promote in order to visit and received by
many readers with a fair and correct. This article is made specifically for the
blogger beginner, and do not ever ask me whether professional blogger?
With me say emphatically not. I just like you (bloger beginners), which
still have to learn.

I want to provide the following information to increase traffic trick web / blog blogger for beginners and old blogger

# New blogger

-Find a blog that is well known that have a best ranking, in addition to
leaving the impression this will make your search by terindex
engine. (the term nebeng well!)
-Sharing exchange link between new blogger not only make your blog
known, but the media as a reminder that address blog
-Do not ever have a bad feeling, revenge, of sorts, if you feel offended
not in the reverse link, thinking it may be positive at this time it was busy again
or forget.
- Please comment with a wise and subtle, but more promising,
for example: "This article diblog quality and very useful for me,
I will keep this blog link on the page favorite, and I certainly
will come here again "it is quite right and make a blog owner I feel valued and guaranted visited blogs will be doing the same.

# For old blogger

-For the blogger who can name (well) share a link with
new blogger, why? Because without them you will not blog
means nothing.
- Indeed bertukan link with the new blogger will not be profitable
nothing in terms of the web page ranking and even profitable blogger
new, but remember in the case of other blogs you will continue to be visited and
remembered by the new blogger, quite simple reason that they
feel very valued and be positive and give the impression
- Do not feel annoyed with the new fad blogger, know they are still
beginners (including myself) may need time to learn more
many, you try to re-think which way you like when a new
promote learning blog, I might feel the same.

While I apologize because I can not rush to exchange links with you may be sure, on the other occasion, I will exchange links with you. :)

[Friday, January 30, 2009]

Be Number one in search engine (google)


If you are doing business on the internet sure how you want to be number one in the google search engine, google search engine is the main choice of information seekers around the world. Things like that may not enough weight if you did not know about the techniques and the logic of my own search engine was not the master in this field but there is an effective way if you want something like this.its amazing click here.

you have to read my article this one. because I only do SEO tricks according to the article I have written.

please spend all the SEO I have to write here , then I will make sure your website / blog you are number one in the google search engine such as this example. in the articles I have written.
or you can type the keyword (Info Internet Bussiness) or (Campaign the blog using search engine) in the google search engine then you will see the ranking of this blog in google search engine , when I type this article on this blog are one and two positions.

or you want to know more about the logic in algorithma's uncle google.

What is a Search Engine?

In 1993, the Internet began to thrive. And information on the internet that there are growing more difficult for us to find the exact information we need more. Matthew Gray (MIT) began mengembangan "web crawler" at the time, the engine is working to find, save and mengelompokan information - information on the web (meta-data) so that we easily find it again.

What might be the number one on Google?

Almost every year, search engine company will update their search logic, so that something that you read and learn in the year 2008, will not necessarily relevant again set in 2009.

So one of the most emphasized by Cityweb team, is we never promised the number 1 or number 2 in the search engine, with only create a website.

By due to be number 1 on search engine marketing will bring influence to a very big business, almost every day of the SEO expert trying to find weaknesses and influence Google search results.

Business - the business such as threats to the quality of search, so that Google and other search engines will always find your tricks! and to prevent you.

Imagine if a SEO expert can affect search results wishes, may be when you type the word "Paris hilton" you will see a series of search results that the content is not relevant at all, for example, clothing stores, shoe stores and other

[Thursday, January 29, 2009]

Make Money from PayPerCost


Payperpost is one of the business opportunities that the Internet is easy and requires no capital money. You need to do is register and join the web / blog you are here. After that you will get the opportunity to post a review or produk.Nah from here you will be paid, it's easy right?

Here are some tips blog so we can approve the review paid by providers. We will get some important point that needs to be done by bloggers blog that is approved by PayPerPost and SocialSpark and other providers paid review.

The points are:

1. Blog must all speak Enggris (english blogs).
2. Blog must have original content (original content).
3. Blog search engine terindex on (Google's index).
4. Blog aged 3 months and has 10 content during the last one month.

So if you do not have English-speaking blog flee make speaking English is. For the free I recommend, do not use because you will violate the rules of, and your account will be banned.

If you already have a blog to speak English, but there are some copy and paste the content, you better create a new blog or you have to remove the copy and paste your post, although it is in the archive. Reviews are not paid like a copy paste.

If you already have a blog to speak English and your original content, points one and two points in the you already have.

You live to read my article here for a guide that is listed on search engines and wait until 3 months.

Are you interested?

[Wednesday, January 28, 2009]

Internet marketing without capital


"Many said that the money through the interet
very easy just by following the methods of 'A' or 'B'
and all can get the money via the Internet, start
from children, housewives and even that has not
the computer can search for-money through
internet ". Is it that simple?

In fact: there is NO method that can make you rich
in the night.

Why do I say this? Since many bid-offer
misleading as "Rich Quick" etc.. I
you do not want to fall to the end and disappointed
is the internet marketing fraud.
The life of an internet marketer is visible
relax, work at home, walking wherever he wanted
can, the money continues to come 24 / 7 without stop in,etc.
But do you know in the back, an internet
marketers have a successful working hours over hours
working normal people. They usually sleep 4 hours
morning, their discipline, clever count hit loss,
proficient in conducting market research, in a charming view
opportunities. Basically they do not think the pattern sesantai
"I do internet marketing difficult?" I
asked, I will quote it with words from
Henry Ford, "Whatever You Think, Or Can not
Yes, you Right! ". The idea lies in the pattern you think
Why do I deepens internet marketing? Because I
assess the many advantages of online business in the
compare business offline (kovensional).
One of the benefits of Internet marketing is
in terms of capital, to start internet business
marketing you can start with a continental capital
Capital alias with knee
I make this calculation beyond the cost of internet connection
and computer equipment. Ok here we go:

1. Prepare the first tools supporting your business. You
requires a computer and Internet connection. If
no, you will be able to murmer cafe (cheap gala)
or if you have a laptop you can to the place
the facilities that provide Wi-Fi Hotspots
Free. To find a hotspot in the area you are trying to
this site,
Make sure you have a computer in processing documents
such as MSWord. If there is no try Open Office,
very similar to the advantages can be MSWord
directly to the PDF format. FREE Download
Then you need HTML editor like Front Page or
Dreamweaver. If you have not downloaded HTML Editor
NVU FREE alternative,
This one is also important, such as image processing
Adobe Photoshop. You can download FREE
alternative, GIMP
Tool to open the PDF format, usually in the computer
already available, if not please download
garatis here,
Tool to change the format of the word to PDF format,
Download it free here,

2. Then you must have something to
make money. To find out what the most
often in the search on the internet you can visit the site
Then research how much the search for the per
using this free tool,
type a keyword, such as "wii".
You see, for the keyword "wii" have 279juta
web page that discusses "wii". You do not
will be able to compete with them.
The key, search for keywords in many pencarinya
wordtracker but a little on Google. That means you
find "niche".
After what people search for, meet the needs
them. There are two ways:
- Create their own products
- Merge into an affiliate program
3. The next step you should have a website. This
absolutely! Strange if a confess internet
marketing but do not have a website ☺.
Now to have a website that does not difficult
be. You know a blog? Blog is a journal online. Create a blog as easy to create
email at Yahoo! or Gmail.
Many free blog service provider. One of them
Blogger, you can list directly here,
https: / /

Weakness of a free blog is a website address
you will like this, with the example blog
use Blogger,
quite difficult to remember eh? And look
"FRee" ☺.
defferrent with
To buy the domain name you need
approximately $ 8/th, can be viewed at
But do not worry, there are a FREE domain name service,
please visit this site and register the name
your domain, here: free domain
Once you have a certain domain you need hosting,
so that your website can be accessed by many people.
Try a FREE hosting service here
If you use you can set up
blog on your own you next
uploaded to the company hosing.
To create a website for instant FREE entry to
this site,

4. The next step will be to enter the product you
selling (based on the research, see no.1) to the blog
If you like writing, you can write the appropriate
with the interest you. Then, from which I can
money? Enter the ad or the affiliate product
according to the theme in your website. Either
advertising program in the world is Google
Adsense. You will receive the money if there is a click
ads that you install on your website

That is the discussion of how to find millions of dollars in the virtual world without using the capital at all, the more you want to work harder then I am sure you will be the next millionaire

[Monday, January 26, 2009]

Feed Link exchange with Friendfeed.


Exchange links feed increasing
feed reader you readers, have any advantages compared Friendfeed
Rss feed reader with the standard, where this service has the ability to
music and video displays.
FriendFeed can be as Feed aggregator services online
lets you save a web page, Rss feeds, photos, video and music
owned by your friends and family when they nito. This service is also
offers a unique way to learn about and discuss the latest information
with your friends, other than that you can observe any changes that
occur at many sites and blogs of your friends without having to realtime

Exchange link will improve feed
feed reader you readers, have Friendfeed
advantages compared with Rss Feed reader,
where this service has the ability to
music and video display, up to now
Friendfeed support 35 service online service
among Digg,, Twiter, Youtube,
Flickr, including Blogger also certainly want more information about this service?
soon it came to

Increase traffic web / blog in the blog directory


To improve traffic web / blog is not enough with only 1 or 2 ways that you have to do it.following I will discuss how to improve the traffic using the Blog Directory .dengan register to Rss Blog Directory and Search Engine and web / blog you will be met by the other people you do without the campaign following a very impressive list Rss Blog Directory you can visit in the spirit of increasing traffic to your web / blog

• Technorati:
• Blog Pulse:
• Blog Digger:
• Mybloglog :
• Digg :
• Del.icio

Is one of the Technorati blog directory enough
popular, is now the favorite to become technoratimasih
blogger does not have one so if we register
to the this. The advantage of this service in addition to the blog
we will be recognized at once broad increase traffic on the blog

Here I will only advise on how to register for the Technorati blog directory that others may not know how much different register its

To sign up to Technorati quite easily follow these steps:
How to list Technorati
1. click join
2. In the "member name" enter the name of at least 4 characters
3. Enter your password at least 6 characters in the "Password Chosee"
4. Enter the same password on the "confirm password"
5. Give the check on the "i agree to Technorati"
6. Then click join
7. Now we have listed in Technorati

actually there are many others blog directory, but the limited time I have only discussed some of this blog directory hopefully increase your traffic quickly

Increase traffick blog with DMOZ ODP Directory


Dmoz including those in penomenal Directory search engine
because almost all the popular search engine to the Dmoz directory.
Some of the Search Engine to the Dmoz are: Google, Alexa,
Yahoo, AOL, Lycos, Teoma, AskJeevess Netscape, Hotbot and some Search
the other engine. ("do not surprised if your blog becomes the king in the Directory
Search Engine")Imagine it clear that if your site or blog-ter index
in the directory, and if your blog one of the selected and
good category their entry, because the blog site or a reasonable entry
is a process of filtering is very strict. Not infrequently
blog / site is registered in decline even without the confirmation at all.

It is said to dramatically increase the response is still too abstraction, but
in fact a blog or a site that has terindex in Dmoz will traffick
This increase is caused by site / blog will appear almost
directory on each search engine are, of course in accordance with the keyword
in search of a connection with the description and title your blog. According from
some observations, blog / site listed in the ODP have ranked
higher than that is not registered. Very profitable

How long Site / Blog will pitch in the ODP-index?
I also did not know how long certain site or blog to our registered ODP,
that must be understood ODP editor is using this service is not human
spider-like machine to its Google. From experience I sign up to Dmoz, blog
I in the new index for 2 weeks after the registration may be even
longer time depending on the mood editor times ya:). Keep
fight and do not despair if your blog is still not in the index, it may be
still in the process, but if within 3 sunday also not registered,
Dmoz allow us to try to re-register them and direktory
you can still choose kategory the other in accordance with the theme blog / your site.

Some important things to do before registration.
In the Title:

• Select Title in accordance with the actual titile
• Do not use the letter ALL Capital.
In the Description:
• Do not use HTML tags.
• Avoid language advertising. The word and phrases such as "cool" and "best
darn site "will be deleted.
• Do not use ALLCAPS in your description.
• Elakkan raise in the first letter of each word in a paragraph.
• Do not repeat the headlines in your description.

Sign up to the ODP:
1. Go to the site
2. Select the directory related website / blog you, for example, a site / blog you
business theme select category of business if the computer is on select
For example, your computer or want to join a private blog where the blog
I registered, you can click on the World - Bahasa_Indonesia - Society - Orangorang
- personal homepage - Anonymous
Or you can choose the category below:
Search Open Directory

URL: Enter the name of site / blog you (example:
Heading Up: The title as, title entries / title page blog.
Huraian Page: The description of the blog.
Address your imel: input your email address (Example:
Enter the verification code: Enter the verification code in the image.
5. Check back all the data you have input before being processed, the error
small bit will harm you.
6. Then press the "Submit"
7. Until this stage the process is complete, if there are errors in the process
submit description see these errors or warnings. soon change.
Perhaps you traffick rise quickly

[Sunday, January 25, 2009]

The key to successful online business


Some people may not know what the key to success mengikkuti programs online that have at the moment as it is for the master SEO it is not a problem that needs to be because they have enough knowledge to get the key.
In the first six months, should focus on how to develop the site

with sufficient traffic. Kerahkan most of the energy to build traffic dahulu.Karena key to most of the program is earning online traffic. At this stage, the expectation or
we hope that is how many visitor who will visit our site from day to day,
not how many $ $ $ earning us today.

following tips and tricks that you need to record and store baik2 in your memory:

1. Strive to be fast-pitch by the search engine index. Placing a link on situssitus /
forum with the rank (PR = Page Rank) is one of the high-effective way.
2. Updating to do as much as possible every day.
3. Review the application and the principles of SEO (Search Engine Optimization Engine Optimization =
Search). Including how to build Subscriber lists.
4. Once again, do as much as possible each day updating
If the site already have traffic, new relevant to do other things that support earning,
optimization as the position of Adsense ads, the number of ad units, and others.
Do not despair if during the first six months, or even earning your first year
not go from zero. Keep trying. Once successfully build a site that has
adequate traffic, you already have a financial engine that is ready to be in time without bound.

Please note also, with one site traffic is a sizeable female. He can spawn many
how to increase earning. And you can do many things that already have one
sites are female.

Info adsense for content


Showing ads from their advertising on Google (Google AdWords). Format there are many options. It's in the form of images, and the only form of text, including:

* Leaderboard (ad-aft horizontal), usually installed on top of the page.
* Banner (leaderboard similar but smaller size).
* Scycrapper and Wide Skyscraper (aft vertical), usually mounted on the left (or sometimes right) from the web page.
* Square, Medium Rectangle, and Large Rectangle (ad segiempat shaped), usually installed at the beginning or middle of

Options for the border and the text color also varies. Type palette ad is there in the blog page in the URL above is the "Mother Earth" (you can see it in these pages online).

Palette "Mother Earth" has the look that blue link title, description ad black and dark blue border. You can choose the other and adjust to your blog page. However, in general, the standard type palette more dimintai by blog owners and visitors.

You can install a maximum of 3 pieces adsense for content in each page of your blog. Google will read the text found in the blog page on which you install the Google ads, and automatically, they will adjust the ad that will be displayed.

AdSense ads will be displayed by Google will be adjusted based on the content (content) of the blog. You can also filter mem-specific ads to not be displayed on your blog, especially the ads of your competitors (they sell a product / service with you).

Below is a calculation of your revenue from AdSense for Content.

* Clickthrough value of the Ad
How much the cost is provided by the advertiser for each click on their ads. Description: advertiser / advertisers are those who join the AdWords program. They can set a budget for how many of their ads (and google will not pass the limit). This effect on how often their ads appear. This is highly competitive, many of the high price.
* Payout Rate
Percentage of payments that will be provided on Google for each click is determined by google.
* Click Through Rate of the Ad
Sederhananya is: how many times the ad is a click on a certain period of time, divided by the number of times the ad is to appear in the same period of time.
* Web Page Traffic
Is how many visitors to the website / blog you.
* Frequency of Ad
Is how many times the ad appears on the web / blog your overall.

For the sake of convenience I take an example:

Clicktrough value of the ad: 30 cents or $ 0.30 (advertisers on google adwords pay $ 0.30 for each click on the ads).

Payout Rate: $ 50 or 0.5 (this assumption is based on the experience of many experts that the payout rate the most is the result of that).

Clicktrough rate of the ad: 0.09 (for example, ads by google appear as 100 times a day and clicked by 9 people).

Web page traffic: 150 (there are 150 visitors to the page)

Frequency of Ad: 100 (the ad appear in a day X 100 / see the click through rate of the ad.

So your income in one day is:

0:03 x 0.5 x 0:09 x 150 x 100 = $ 202.5 (in U.S. dollars)
you interested about this info????

Successful AdSense Publisher: Keeper


AdSense forum for member-ID, Keeper of course is not foreign anymore. He is who
founded and is now "supervise" the way AdSense publisher community in Indonesia
in Tokyo, Japan. Thanks to the hard work of men who want this identity be concealed
(but I will diligently dikorek easy-diligent contact him via YM, hehehe) in the forum,
Indonesia AdSenser finally have their own media to share knowledge and experience in
internet business world, especially AdSense. Including my own that have felt the benefits.
One of the characteristics of a Keeper is tulisan-writings, both in the forum and in the blog
privacy, the soothing and inspiring. Perhaps because it is supported by factors that are not age
want to lose with kang Ujang, hehehe. Clear that, with experience in the Internet business world
since 2004, it is not wrong if we make him as one of the idol and role model
Let's see exclusive interviews with the Keeper.
Seputar Adsense and Online Earning
Let's see exclusive interviews with the Keeper.
About Adsense and Online Earning

Q: Since when menekuni Adsense business?
A: 2004
Q: Reason maen Adsense?
A: Simple, reliable, easy to learn. With minimal risk and investment, Google Adsense
can give us the return (profit) that is relatively unlimited. Needed only ideas,
seriousness, plus working smart / hard.
Q: Is direct success? If not, what kendala2 in the beginning?
A: No. Not because of the important things or the ropes.
Q: Revenue in the first month?
A: $ 13.11
Q: Earnings per month from Adsense at this time (range)?
A: 4.5-digit)
Q: source of income other than Adsense?
A: Text-link, Amazon, and several other affiliate programs
Q: Total revenue per month from the internet at this time
A: yes
Q: How many hours / days (rata2) business to the Internet?
A: 1-2 hours
Seputar Site and Content
Q: The love is, what blog site?
A: Depending on the purpose and the application site. I prefer to
blog / CMS that have a large online community.
Q: Niche-specific ato general? Reason?
A: It's hard memilahkan. A clear, create something
useful and many people sought.
Q: Books about PPC?
A: It's better concentration on how to build
traffic headache than with PPC:)
Q: Content come from?
A: public domain, affiliate programs, freelance writers,
the last opportunity for a new self:)
Q: Books about copy-paste content?
A: It's OK, which do not violate copyright and comply with
signs-signs that outlined the content owners. Because
information / content that is public. Thus, the need to
Few notes. For the new building
site / blog, you should avoid shortcut copy-paste this.
The possibility that the site was later built a new difficulty
get a good position in the search engine (search
engine) due to duplicate content issues affected (Duplicate
content penalty).
When a site / blog is getting good position and
regarded as the authoritative source engine
search, the issue seems to be little Duplicate content
Q: Books about artikel2 Private Label Rights as content?
A: "A good start" for the difficulty or are still in the stage of learning to write in the language
English. PLR articles that are usually already full and clear theme. Parafrase stay-at-kan
course content continues to be unique. Nah, parafrase is a middle road for those who want to
have original content, but do not have enough time to create your own (either because
rushing constraints and because the language).
For the busy, parafrase article PLR can save time. To have a language problem,
parafrase this can be a learning process that quickly and efficiently.
Q: The main content?
A: informative, helpful, and many people sought. The idea: create something worthy kunjung
(worth visiting). So that when visitors stop by on our site, they feel the time is not
Q: Pentingkah layout / design of the site? Is there a relationship with the revenue?
A: Important. Like a room. People will be more like when you are in the room tidy nan
net than in the more chaotic place ang dirty. So also with the sites, visitors of more
comfortable berlama-old site in the design / layout is interesting. As a result, the number of page view
and increase the probability adsense ad clicks can also get a ride. Its mouth, it is possible
will also be earning big increase.
Q: What is more important, what CTR CPC?
A: Ideally do both, CTR and CPC, is high. When the ad PPC (Pay per Click) such
Adwords as a media campaign, of course, CPC is more important. As much as possible to its ad-CPC
Adsense far greater than the CPC should be paid for through the Adwords campaign.
Q: The number of sites at this time (range)?
A: About 10. But the most organized 3-4. Itupun two of them managed other people, outsourcing:)
Q: Many sites = earning more. Agree? Reason?
A: Depending on the site. If the number of sites and all the more productive it is also earning more.
But, of course, difficult to manage the number of sites in many (if you are alone) to
all productive. Perhaps the more relevant question is how to manage many
site so that all can be productive:)
Seputar SEO and Traffic
Q: Source of traffic, what search engine ads?
A: Two, both of them
Q: Tehnik through ad campaigns that are frequently used?
A: Google Adwords, Text-links
Q: SEO Tehnik frequently used?
A: The best practices are. This means, which is often recommended and used a lot of people.
Q: Tools about SEO, content, etc., that are used?
A: None.
Q: Books about tool2 is?
A: None.

Q: The income from adsense made what?
A: Additional cost of living, the cost of the study to his wife, traveling families, saving money.
Q: Barang / most impressive things purchased from Adsense and other online earning?
A: Notebook studies to support his wife.
Q: What will next play adsense?
A: Of course, during the still possible. Moreover, passive income from Adsense at this time is much more
most of the salaries of civil servants working in the country.
Q: Adsense is death. Opinions?
A: If it is personal opinion still seems remote. Given the growing application
web-based and increase the number of Internet users. I think contextual ads on the Internet,
such as Google AdWords, a much more effective way of advertising in conventional media.
Therefore, I believe still the choice of AdWords advertisers several years to
front. Adwords if still alive, I just hope that the opportunity ... "berwirausaha" for the
Adsense publisher remain.
Q: Hope about Adsense?
A: We hope to survive long. Hopefully, also owned by Yahoo program similar to quick-opened
International publisher, or the programs that appear the same with Google and selevel
Yahoo. The alternative, of course, a lot of bargaining power as a publisher we will be better.
Q: Message to the new publisher?
A: This is not the message, but the experience and personal observation only. Hopefully useful for
friends new publisher.
In the first six months, should focus on how to develop the site
with sufficient traffic. Kerahkan most of the energy to build traffic first.

About Google Adsense


Google Adsense is a trade mark from Google does not represent me, but try to help the people of Indonesia to enjoy online facilities / services is Google Adsense.

What is Adsense?

Adsense is a program provider of ads (ad = advertisement) from that really "make sense", which can provide results that are very high (some people get thousands of dollars monthly from Adsense).

You will be paid if there is a visitor to click the Google ads you plug in the website / blog you ... Only by clicking on the ... they do not have to buy anything .... And they do not pay even though how many are clicking.

Of the susahnya not have anything. Visitors will click on your ad that you install because he wanted more information ... he is not injured anything, even get the information desires fulfilled.

You can join or get a FREE Adsense Account ... without paying a continental. Then, from which Google can pay me? Advantage of Google's services on the other, so that there is reciprocal baliknya. Google also launched Google Adwords .. service where we can serve ads on

You often search using Google? Note also that the right of the search results page there are some ads related to your search ... That ad Adwords

Whether this can be trusted? search engine is the world renowned competitor It is so popular both the name of the portal's search engine, which means that their quality, reliable, trusted, and certainly they will also maintain the quality of their services. This is of course very important for you in selecting any business program ... So for the first section, you can feel safe, even very secure income ... you will not be lost. If so, there is no reason for you to choose not Adsense.

Kind of Google Adsense

If you want to insert Adsense ads manually, here I explained some kind of AdUnit. Showing ads from their advertising on Google (Google Adwords). Format can be multifarious, there is an image ynag, adapula the only text. Both were divided again in various forms, including: • Leaderboard (ad horizontal sweep) • Banner • Scycrapper and Wide Skyscraper (aft vertical) • Square, Medium Rectangle, and Large Rectangle (ad shaped segiempat) To see more details, please download eBooks ... its b. ADSENSE SEARCHMenampilkan facilities for the Google Search Engine diwebsite you. You will be paid if there is a facility that uses search engines tersebut.c. ADSENSE for referral currently consists of 4 kinds (dikemudian day bias that increased collaboration with the Goolgle namely: • Referrals for "Google Adsense" • Referral to "Google Adwords" • Referral to "Firefox" • Referrals for "Picasa"

When there is someone / dating visitor to the site / your blog, click on the link above Referral .... And then download and install the software on their computer, then you get one (1) dollar (U.S.) from Google.

Adsense register ...


If you received your site (pass review) by Google, follow the steps registration as follows:

Email have - (WebMail its Google). Once you have Email, the next step a Blog (private site) dialamat (Click the link "New Blogger" - when the Username & Password is the same as the Username & Password your account )

Start to create your blog (look for the topic you like, for example, about your hobbies, business opportunity that you have, etc.). Our suggestions, prepare at least 4 articles and MUST IN ENGLISH. If you want to easily, use an interpreter software (such as TransTool - you can type in English and will direct the program to change it in English).

Send this article to your blog (do not forget to give the title). You can get software interpreter in Mal Ambasador Kuningan software or store in your area.

Place 2-3 videos from on your blog (optional) Once you're ready to blog (the article has at least 4), now you're ready to do the last step ARE MOST IMPORTANT that is signed up for Google AdSense. Review process takes 3-5 business days. To register, please click the link below Banner ... We encourage you to pray so many sites you have passed the review by uncle Google

click the banner below to start for Google Adsense

then you will be taken kehalaman for Google Adsense. Click the button with the white "Click Here to Aplly" After you submit the form and content, will be shown the "Terms and Conditions" which contains the rules and requirements "as a member (Adsense Publisher). Click the "I Agree." Next page will appear thanks from Google, and also ask you to verify via email that you want is valid, function well and properly belong to you. Click the blue URL listed in the letter, then Google will process your application to check whether the sites you use / have been submitted in accordance with the requirements. 1-2 x 24 minutes has been the response letter if your application is approved ... (with the subject: "Welcome to Google AdSense") and vice versa if your application is not approved, Google will ask you to other sites that mentioned the reasons for not applying disetujuinya you (for example, "Your Site Is Not Supported in Language") where your site is not in a language that is supported by Google. If your site or blog is made in English and meet the requirements ... then Google certainly accept. Then you can insert Google ads into your site with the first Login kemember area to get the link, Banner, your referrals, etc..

How to Obtain Income?

You already see, with the only direct visitors to the site / your blog, and then they click on Google ads or use the search engine Google (if you put it on the web / blog you), then you get a dollar.

5 Steps to Get Payment:

1.Actually you provide the correct email address because Google will send you an email and send the payment check kealamat you write in your account. You can change your address data in the "My account" after login. You can not change is the "State" and "Recipient Name" payment.

2.You do not have complete information pajak.Berikut tax or pay statementnya quote: "If you do not have U.S. Activities, you will be asked to agree to a statement to that effect. No tax forms are required in this instance "... .. (see more at https: / / / adsense / taxinfo # nonus)

3.Change type of payment (whether express or payment standard). Your payment will be delayed if this is not yet complete. Click the Payment Information [edit] link located in the "My Account" tab after you log in.

4.Ketika your income reaches $ 50 (USD), Google will send a PIN to you (take 2-3 weeks for delivery) and you enter a PIN to your account. This is to ensure that the check is later well received dialamat it.

5.Gets income $ 100 for who have got $ 100, then Google will send you a check at the end of the month. If you have not reached will be in the accumulation of income to you in the next month, to bring the $ 100, your new dibayar.Check that you can be in Google's Cash at Bank anywhere in the U.S. Dollar exchange rate. Adsense Make sure you register with correct information according to ID cards

[Thursday, January 22, 2009]

Campaign the blog using search engine


As its many tips to promote web / blog will be basic, but the campaign is the best search engine how you can blog in search engines, because every person who wants to find information on the internet search engine you use because not all people know clearly the name of the web / blog, and we remember the possibility that he certainly forget
Here the author would like to introduce more than 10 popular search engines, and many used the Internet in the world

# Register to Google search engine

Gogole can say is the king of search engines on the internet and the world seems to have been made compulsory to register your web / blog in your search engine this one
is very easy
-visit its website
registration form on the blog entries on the url address and give a comment in accordance with the theme of your blog

# Register to Yahoo search engine

Yahoo search engine is the second in a lot of use to register please follow the instructions below:
- Create an account if not on the list here, please

- Click here:
The first box on the form the content of the web / blog you an example:
input box on the second feed you an example:
press submit

# Register to MSN search engine

Search engine output microsoft is in use quite a lot you can see on the table and blog search engines you also need to be registered here:

- Click this url

In fact there are many other search engines if you want to register diligent web / blog you . author inform the search engines that have at the moment

register with the web / blog does not guarantee you my web / blog you listed all depend directly from search engines to index your web / blog.

survivors try!

[Tuesday, January 20, 2009]

Bright idea to start doing internet


Most of you may already know and get an idea to start this business intenet. what you already know how the secret, what ideas are always successful in the life of those who have been successful in this Internet world?
of course, not all successful people in the world would like to inform the internet how they can easily collect this money on the internet.ok I will tell you the idea that a simple and maybe you will laugh to hear it ....... are you ready???

may be too naive, but you actually make people successful in the world this is just the internet to sell information only,I only say this person in the world is hungry for information yah information is a simple idea and is very bright, so many bloggers or ordinary people do not realize how important its information. but without them realizing every day they gather, explore and use that information to their needs.
Information is an idea you understand now?
Please think about this ...

how to cook a tasty but cheap
how to save money shopping with easy
how to lose weight quickly and short
how to become successful without the capital

You do not need to invest your money in a lot of this Internet world. only that you need only to know that every person in the world this is the Internet requires that the information they need and this can make you the opportunity in the world the Internet to sell the information in accordance with their needs

I hope this article can help you find the business inpirasi

[Monday, January 19, 2009]

learn to make website


In creating a website there are several things you need to prepare before you
First, you can submit a question to yourself is "What is the purpose of I
create a website? "with the questions can lead you to mind
and determine the next question, namely, "the Website, such as what will I
created to achieve that goal and how to create a website. "

Why start with the question is? Because the site is expected later
we make in accordance with what we want and can bring us reach our goal of
want to make this website. Do not be completed until the website is your website, but
that you create does not fit and can not become a media or means to achieve your goals.
You need to know, the type of website that diverse, there is only one simple page
just as this website, you have to load some pages, such as company's website, there is a
using the blog system and often also called blog or weblog (blog website), the
use the system CMS (Content Management System) as joomla, in the form of a forum
discussions, which have a website text ads, which have a website and online stores have a more
more complex community websites such as myspace.
You need to get started with the questions before you make
website. So that later you can decide what the website as the most suitable and appropriate
to achieve your goals. Because each type of website that I submit above
has a function that is different.
Example if you want to sell a range of products, you create a website online stores; when
You want to sell only one type of product can be a simple page with one or more
using the system pemesanannya; if you want to create a portal website you can
Joomla use; if you want to build branding and publishing articles can
using the blog, and others.

After you select the type of website, you can learn and telururi, is there a website software
available to make a type of website. Currently, many software website that had already been, and
your use.
You do not need to make them from scratch (early) and do not need to know programming. You
install it and enter the live data for your website.
Of course you have to license the use of the software website, because there is a
sell it and have also provide that the open source that can be used
free with certain conditions. Terms and conditions are generally required that you keep
to include a link to the official website of the software.

And in the first stage, you should have in determining your goals and website
website such as what you want.

[Sunday, January 18, 2009]

Tips and Trciks Publishing Ads


Is not easy to become a publisher ads serperti Google Adsense, Adbrite, Etology, Bidvertiser, Adengage, Adjug, etc.. Such is the perceived facta some publisher ads at this time. strict competition in the Internet world that is becoming the dominant factor in this case. Feel despair because, ultimately the publisher is a lot of ads that move to the website on pornography, sex or other similar things.

in fact you do not need to do things like that because there are many other ways you can do. following are tips and trick you can do

#You can use the skills you have to attract visitor to your website as much as possible.

Example: you are a clever cook who Koki. You can include Tips cuisine or food to the website / blog .

Or if you are a programmer, you can use your programming skills to create a software or programs that benefit the public such as: create anti-virus program, website, calculator, CMS, etc..

1. because the adsense ads, adbrite, bidvertiser, and the like rarely appear because it does not match the content website / blog our ads with keywords. So how might adsense, adbrite, bidversiter, etologi, adjug, etc. can give a lot of money I hold close to its stall!

2.the visitor already knows what it is adsense, and also the same boat, so they are very berhati2 I want to click the link nge (aka not careless click)! Why? ho ... ho.ho. you know thats.

3.because at least the visitor to visit us. This is the most important point I think. At least as many visitor / visitor influence of our revenue from the ads. The more visitors to the many opportunities and also opportunities click on its ads by visitors. To overcome the problem in this point. then you have to promote your website mem (campaign website you) can do through search engines (search engines such as google, yahoo, altavista, msn, search, alexa, etc.) or through a link exchange (link exchange), you can also attach adsense ads on your site or other affillates, the banner exchange programs, etc.. To promote your website that are in the first page of google

4.poor-quality articles on its website or blog us. This is a complex problem for the blog administrator to its own. Articles are interesting and very important effect on long-term future of our website or blog. The more interesting articles and weight it will be more and more a visitor came. What is the gini they already know what that adsense will not care about the ad click on the ads it because they feel the articles in your website or blog.

I expect of you, the causes have not been optimal adsense in cash. Hopefully useful.

[Saturday, January 17, 2009]

How to select templates interesting


In making your blog is expected to make a good and interesting, so that visitors can be interested and you want to read the posting and make you feel like blogs are in your area. I provide the following information templates are quite interesting to me so you do not need a headache in the search for free templates that fiture its beautiful is nothing lose with the templates that pay

To attract more knowledge you can use HTML to further enhance your blogs

[Thursday, January 15, 2009]

The way how Posting Articles


For those of you who have experienced a few problems on how to post an article into the blog, then this will be in the study of the post in In the post some toolbar that you can gunakan.if you are using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel is probably will not have difficulty when a post articles, but may not have one when I study a glimpse of this, perhaps there are between friends we are still confused.

Toolbar when posting:


How to use the toolbar at the top of the block (marked) first words that will be in the edit, and press the button in the toolbar want.

Steps in a post the article:

1. Should first click the "Edit HTML", when in direct mode "Compose", often hangs on the computer (my personal experience). Copy of the article that you created earlier, and then paste in the post area. Edit according to your wishes.

2. Click the "compose" to do the editing (if you are still confused with the HTML code).

3. Click the tools that have the logo "panorama" blue, if you want to enter a picture or photo to decorate your post-an.

4. Click the "Preview" to see the results of the post-an who will appear in the blog, perhaps there is still a need in the edit.

5. Click the "publish". Done. The text of the paper you will be able to see and read in by the whole world.

[Wednesday, January 14, 2009]

Starting bloging


For the dollar programs on the internet you need a website or blog is easy for them as you create a blog because blogs are easy and can be made by anyone without the knowledge we have of making the website. now also fiture of blogs do not lose even the paper with a website that you do not understand the website not worse from a website if you want to diligent in making this blogs.

=>>blog definition

Blog (short for Web log) is a site that is more personal, the more weight to the depiction of the creator of the blog itself.

Blog created by the designers the blog to work automatically and easy to operate, so for us, we are still confused with the programming language to create a website it does not matter. If you can make an email account on the internet, the blog is in making you believe I can.

=>>How to create a blog
In the opportunity this time I will be covered in the way of making blog, Please click on the picture below to register.

Once you are on the site, Please do the following steps:

# Click the arrow labeled "Create YOUR BLOG"

# Email Address Please fill in with the email address you (certainly valid)

# Fill in your email address again earlier in the form Retype email address

# Enter the password you want in the form Enter a password

# Fill in your password again earlier in the form Keyik reset the password (the password)

# Content Display Name with the name you want to show

# Write the text contained in the Word Verification form. Marked TIK / check box on any posts on the edge and I accept the Terms of Service.

# Click on the picture arrow labeled "CONTINUE"

# Enter the blog title that you want (in the future could change again) in the form Blog Title

# Write the name of your site in the form Blog address (URL)

# Write any posts that are displayed on the verification form Verification words, if the picture is complete click the arrow labeled "CONTINUE".

# Choose an image (template) that you want (in the future could change again), and click the image arrow labeled "CONTINUE"

# Once out any posts "Your blog has been created". Click on the picture arrow labeled "FROM POST". Please write you at your convenience, if it is finished click the "PUBLISH".

For beginners, it is usually confused when they make a list of what to fill in on a blog. The contents of a blog, of course, it's blog owners themselves, like whether the contents of food, engineering, or whatever. I suggest here, fill in your blog with interest and expertise hoby or your own, because, of course, outside there are so many people that the same interests and of course its hoby with you, so that they will be interested to read your post.

[Sunday, January 11, 2009]

Adsense Success story (Cosa Aranda)


Name Cosa Aranda ( certainly is not for foreign friends who have business with internet. Om Cosa this dismal long cross in the Internet business. One of which he is like Adsense. From what I hear, revenue from Adsense is quite a lot. May have up to 4 digit monthly. That number is not strange for a number of the master Adsense. But for the newbie like me, it is clear that have made a number of astonishment.

This ebook collection includes interviews with a number of Om Cosa "seleb Adsense" indigenous. I have to make terkaget-shocked, one of the adsense publisher to have 167 website. How do I address them?

Yes, there are many ways to be earning more from Adsense. One of them with a lot website or blog. There are also sites that use adsense ready, the contents can be purchased fully equipped top keywords, such as that offered the seleb "john chow" with Adsense Premade its site.

In fact, if you cock utak especial website, and have brilliant ideas, you can create tools that can be used many bloggers. Eg you create a kind of counter visitors such sitemeter, I kind of social bookmark digg, or the other. Or create a site that will be accessible to many people continue on, for example online dictionary site.

Techniques in any case important. If you do not understand the technique, can-can you be a waste of time and effort, but without significant results. Adsense not pan dollar business with IM, but he needs a lot of preparation, the will and hard work.

[Friday, January 9, 2009]

Adsense tutorial


Google AdSense, a program interesting is that Google is given to the webmaster. Through this program, you can find the money and get advantage of the website that you create.

How do they work? First you must have a website. To create a website, please read the tutorial on the web here. Then sign up and stay put the google ads in your website page. What the visitor will click on the ads, then you will get money depending on the ad clicks by visitors.

If the advertiser expensive price for each click, the more the money you will earn. Ads that appear will depend on the very content of the website you. If the website shows how you cook or kitchen utensils, the possibility of ads that appear on the kitchen utensils.

Okay, now let's learn how to earn money through Google Adsense. Here are some tutorials that I've collected from various e-book and discussion forum. Hopefully useful.

Get the HTML code adsense


Before starting to get the money, then you need to get the HTML code that the ad will be placed diwebsitemu. I first make sure you get an email that the application adsensemu received. And you ever be able to login to Google AdSense.

After logging in to Google AdSense, you will be in the pages With reports today. How much income you today can be seen here.

Click AdSense Setup tab. There are some products there, and you can select them. But products that generate a lot of money so Content Ads. So any posts Click Ads Content.

Now you can choose the view that there is. How aja select the text or text and images. Then click the Continue

Next specify the display ads. It is a select which, but what I like most is that 728x90 Skywalker. lumayan practical because it looks quite a lot and run ads. But the results of the survey is a 336x280 ad that most people click on. But it's up to you want to select which.

If I click Continue finished, a box with the HTML code is ready. Typically code like this:

EG :adsense code

Please paste and copied anywhere on the page you.

[Wednesday, January 7, 2009]

Get dollar from TLA (Text Link Ads )


This is different from Google adsense. TLA ad does not appear by the visitor. Because the ads tla in the form of a link. The only requirements for the program must have a PageRank (PR) 4. But when I first tried to register with this blog, the new has PR3, was received. So, the key must continue to try, who knows as I have received. And most of the publisher must be in the English language blogs, but not that rare success with indonesian language. Ease of the program is we do not need a lot of visitors to get dollars, which is PRnya high. Each text link ads posted in our blog, we will get the dollar is calculated monthly. For example, your blog diharga $ 10 monthly periklan, then you will get $ 5, because the system with the results for the TLA. If you already have a blog with a PR as I mentioned before, do not let you have nothing to blog, and let your blog work for you.

tla offer two methods of payment for the publishernya, the checks and paypal. Payment with a check requires a minimum income of $ 25. While the payment with paypal no minimum requirement, so that regardless of our revenue will be paid directly by the TLA. Payments sent by TLA intact as the amount that we have in the account, but the fee will be charged by paypal. In receiving the payment does not need a verified paypal account, as I experienced.

For those who have not yet know, TLA is earning online program that offers of cooperation with the owner of the website / blog (publisher) in the paid links. Publisher only up space in the website / blog that will link been. Other matters the responsibility of the TLA, from the client to explore the determination of prices. Terms for the program is paid links, the website / blog that has registered at least PR 4.

If you register here TLA but not have a website / blog PR 4, do not lose heart first. TLA offers an affiliate program / referral that is very interesting and easy to install the banner on the website / blog you. Banner to promote the existence of this program and TLA each have people who sign up through the banner you TLA, TLA will give a commission of $ 25. Referral fee will be sent directly to the address you in the form of a check.

[Tuesday, January 6, 2009]

Gets dollar from webhosting


Search dollar program that was easy. We do not need to work, only mereferensikan someone to sign up for the free domain Very easy to do, you live in the list of website menu and then select "Referral". ago you will be filling out the registration form, then you will get your referral code. have shaped the link and there is also a banner shaped like this:

Banner or link you can plug in your blog, or you just go up to the campaign you. you will be paid as much as $ 0.1 if there are people yng registered in the free domain Payment sent through paypal directly. how? interested? no one tries, the list is free. sign up quickly

Search for how the money Through File Hosting


There are more ways to get dollars, that is through file hosting service for free. The system works like this: we in ziddu register, and then we upload the file there. Then we share the file on the web / blog us. every time you download a file we will get paid $ 0001. though small but does not have its loss why we joined the program. because ziddu has several advantages including:

- Storage capacity that is not limited. (you can upload files as much as possible km).
- Limitation of the size of the rather large file (200 MB).
- No no limit traffic.

This program is suitable for you once you have a web / blog content for download, such as mp3, ebook, video, etc.. On the web / blog can also be the usual. for example if you blog about the recipes, then make one or more of your articles in word file (doc) for example. continue to upload ziddu hold you in a link in the web / blog for you, eg "Download music."
In addition, we also will get $ 0.1 referral from us

[Saturday, January 3, 2009]

Get Money from Adsense


AdSense ads application is run by Google. Website owners can enroll in this program to enable text, image, and more recently, video ADVERTISEMENTS on their websites. Website owners can enroll in this program to enable text, image, and more recently, video ads on their Web site. ADVERTISEMENTS these are administered by Google and generate revenue on either a per-click or per-Impression basis. Ads are managed by Google and generate revenue on a per-click or per-impression basis. Google is also currently beta-testing a cost-per-action based service. Google also is beta-testing the cost-per-action based service.

AdSense for Feeds

In May 2005, Google announced a limited-participation beta version of AdSense for Feeds, a version of AdSense that runs on RSS, and Atom feeds that have more than 100 active subscribers. In May 2005, Google announced a limited-participation beta version of AdSense for feeds, the version of AdSense that runs on RSS and Atom feeds that have more than 100 active customers. According to the Official Google Blog, "Advertisers have their ads placed in the most appropriate feed articles; publishers are paid for their original content; coming to see relevant advertising, and in the long run, more quality feeds to choose from.According to the Official Google Blog, "advertisers have their ads placed in the most appropriate feed articles; publisher paid for their original content; readers see ads that are relevant and in the long run, more quality feeds to choose from.

AdSense for Search

A friend to the regular AdSense program, AdSense for search, allows website owners to place Google search box on their websites. When a user searches the Internet or the website's search box, Google shares any advertising revenue it makes from those searches with the site owner. When users search the Internet or website with a search box, Google shares any advertising revenue that make people from the search by site owners. However the publisher is paid only if the ADVERTISEMENTS on the page are clicked: AdSense does not pay publishers for their searches. However, the publisher is paid only if the ad is clicked on the page: AdSense publishers not only to pay for the search.

AdSense for Content

you can install the code adsense for content such as code Click and get a payment for each click on website visitors

sources of money for free on the Internet


Maybe you have to work and have a large income from your job, your income is only a small or you can also just do not have a job because you did not have time to work. do not lose heart because this is now a lot of business that you can get in this world and the Internet in search of money in the world of the Internet you do not take the time you spend just a little knowledge or that you have. This is not because now there can not be done by the origin of the Internet you'd like to focus and work hard, but without pressure boss or my time here will be completely free to discuss the course.

how to find love the free internet business?

You can start with some sources of money on the internet for free in the list below:


Adsense is a program that provided by the google ads for meyebarkan in possession by google for the pasarkan back by the owner of the website, blog with the system of payment per click so every ad in your blog click on automatically you will get big dollars depending on the price of the average click 0:01-per-click $ - $ 0,011 is not interesting.


PayPerPost will pay the note in your blog or website. Your task is to write a review or opinion about a product, and if your writing is approved by PayPerPost, you will be paid for your writing.


Smorty will pay you to write about a product, service or site specific in your blog. Smorty pay weekly. You are free to write a topic you like. You can also post on some blog sites that you have.


Blogsvertise will pay you to create a BUZZ. Your task is an offensive product, service or site-specific in writing your blog so that readers blog or site you know the product or service. Blogsvertise pay-per-post writing through your PayPal account.

5.Review me

Review me will pay you to review certain products or services in your blog or website. You own that determine what topics you review. Review pay $ 20 to $ 200 for each review that you write in your blog or website.


Blogitive give you the opportunity to write opinions about a new product released by certain companies. You are paid through your PayPal account weekly for each post, which you create.


BloggerWave is one interesting choice to make money with a blog (for free) and write down your opinion about a certain topic.


InBlogAds will pay each writing a review or opinion that is assigned to you. You can choose the topic you like.


The site BuyBlogReviews review of the advertising service that gives you the opportunity to become a publisher and earn money by writing a review site or product BuyBlogReviews client. In addition, the program also provides BuyBlogReviews Affiliates so that the more referrals that you join with the larger commission that you can.


BlogToProfit connect you with advertisers who want to utilize your blog. Through BlogToProfit your task is the "install" ad in the paper that you create. Because the post with your writing, there is no room for limited gain through this program.

11.451 Press

451 Press is the right place for your talented writing. 451 Press will pay writings as a quality content network 451 blog Press.

12.Digital Journal

Digital Journal will pay you to share your opinion, voting to give a specific article, involved in the discussions and write articles as a citizen Journalists.

13.Creative Weblogging

Creative Weblogging will pay you to become a freelance writer jaringan135 blog Creative Weblogging available in 5 languages. But is not currently downloading support the Indonesian language.


BlogBurner give you the option to write about a topic that will BlogBurner and market your writing.


Squidoo will pay you to write a topic in your blog or website. You also have the option to donate your income automatically. is a network solutions provider site practical problems of everyday life. If you have a certain expertise, want gave to other people and like to write, you can become a writer and earning through tips or information that you provide.


DayTipper will pay you to write tips original, unique and useful worth $ 3-per-tips.


CreamAid is a service that allows you to meet with fellow bloggers with the same interest and money to get through. What you do is install a widget CREAMaid Conversation in your post. If selected, you will be writing to all syndicated network CreamAid and you will get your writing royalties.


Helium is a community that the author gives the opportunity for you who want to become a freelance writer to write a topic that you like for the network sites, advertisers Helium.


SponsoredReviews is a site review of the advertising service that gives you the opportunity to become a publisher and earn money by writing a review site or product SponsoredReviews client. Pros SponsoredReview than others is that you can determine their own value Bidding your review commission. In addition, the program also provides SponsoredReviews Affiliates so that the more referrals that you join with the larger commission that you can.


Masable will pay freelance writers, writers who are interested in the topics of social sites and Web 2.0. If you love topics like this and write, this program is the right option for you.

in the next edition I will discuss more play every source of the money is free.

[Friday, January 2, 2009]

want to take money in the Internet ?


While surfing the Internet during this world there may be between you see that many people try to take the money on the internet. Some of you may be very interested and are easy to learn and further although not all be successful and enjoy the results. Others do not believe and think this is just hogwash. They are not wrong. reason, many programs that really pay, and also many programs that lie! Stay where you select, or you want to want to be paid in lie.

On this occasion, we will not criticize too in a matter of programs that can be used as farm income. We have more concentration to what you have to prepare, what to know before you try meraup dollars on the internet. If confused with the names of the programs mentioned, I just remind these programs.

The first question, if we successfully get money from the Internet, how the money is to get to our hands?

This important question! . Is not correct? I may not money dimasukin envelope dikirimkann to continue our home: P Now, there are several methods of payment that can be used. Each program has a method of payment, alone, and may be different to one another. Some examples are as follows:

Check. You can get a shipment checks from several programs such as Google FUNKSTAR, etc.. Checks will be sent to the home address of you and you can mencairkannya you favored in the bank. The newest I have what you need? Should at least have a home address and bank account at the bank. I have a bank account? As a note, most banks require that the address on the check with the same address on the ID, so I do not address the instruction kost address or a friend. have ID cards yet? And you should also know that tariffs charged for the disbursement checks between different banks with one another. Even for the same even though the bank, the rate charged between the branches may also vary. The price varied from $ 5 - $ 40, so you do not check the fuse was worth less than $ 50.

Paypal. May make you a deal often through the Internet would know Paypal. You know what a danger while using a credit card on the Internet, credit card data is stolen can be easy and my dikuras exhausted by the thief. Now, Paypal and help us provide a more secure way for the deal. At the time deal with Paypal, we simply use our email and password specific data without having to notify our credit card again. already have an email yet?

that already have a Paypal account and have filled the money, how do I retrieve it? One way you can pull the money directly to the credit card you. I know if a new credit card that can make the money) is not only to spend it! Alternatively you can withdraw it to the bank account you sweetheart.

Two methods of payment on the two methods is the most popular on the internet marketing world. In fact there are still some other methods such as EGold, Wire Transfer, Western Union, etc.. However, only a few programs that use this method.