In fact many ways that can be done in order to promote the blog
known many people, but there are also some who do not understand and
to promote ethics in the blog, sometimes in order to be any way
blog became popular. This is actually the most important point
visitors to the blog that we made, so that the information
and there can be up to the maximum to many readers.
This paper provides important information for the new blogger beginner
start a blog and want to promote in order to visit and received by
many readers with a fair and correct. This article is made specifically for the
blogger beginner, and do not ever ask me whether professional blogger?
With me say emphatically not. I just like you (bloger beginners), which
still have to learn.
I want to provide the following information to increase traffic trick web / blog blogger for beginners and old blogger
# New blogger
-Find a blog that is well known that have a best ranking, in addition to
leaving the impression this will make your search by terindex
engine. (the term nebeng well!)
-Sharing exchange link between new blogger not only make your blog
known, but the media as a reminder that address blog
-Do not ever have a bad feeling, revenge, of sorts, if you feel offended
not in the reverse link, thinking it may be positive at this time it was busy again
or forget.
- Please comment with a wise and subtle, but more promising,
for example: "This article diblog quality and very useful for me,
I will keep this blog link on the page favorite, and I certainly
will come here again "it is quite right and make a blog owner I feel valued and guaranted visited blogs will be doing the same.
# For old blogger
-For the blogger who can name (well) share a link with
new blogger, why? Because without them you will not blog
means nothing.
- Indeed bertukan link with the new blogger will not be profitable
nothing in terms of the web page ranking and even profitable blogger
new, but remember in the case of other blogs you will continue to be visited and
remembered by the new blogger, quite simple reason that they
feel very valued and be positive and give the impression
- Do not feel annoyed with the new fad blogger, know they are still
beginners (including myself) may need time to learn more
many, you try to re-think which way you like when a new
promote learning blog, I might feel the same.
While I apologize because I can not rush to exchange links with you may be sure, on the other occasion, I will exchange links with you. :)