Info Internet Bussiness

[Thursday, January 29, 2009]

Make Money from PayPerCost

Payperpost is one of the business opportunities that the Internet is easy and requires no capital money. You need to do is register and join the web / blog you are here. After that you will get the opportunity to post a review or produk.Nah from here you will be paid, it's easy right?

Here are some tips blog so we can approve the review paid by providers. We will get some important point that needs to be done by bloggers blog that is approved by PayPerPost and SocialSpark and other providers paid review.

The points are:

1. Blog must all speak Enggris (english blogs).
2. Blog must have original content (original content).
3. Blog search engine terindex on (Google's index).
4. Blog aged 3 months and has 10 content during the last one month.

So if you do not have English-speaking blog flee make speaking English is. For the free I recommend, do not use because you will violate the rules of, and your account will be banned.

If you already have a blog to speak English, but there are some copy and paste the content, you better create a new blog or you have to remove the copy and paste your post, although it is in the archive. Reviews are not paid like a copy paste.

If you already have a blog to speak English and your original content, points one and two points in the you already have.

You live to read my article here for a guide that is listed on search engines and wait until 3 months.

Are you interested?


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