Info Internet Bussiness

[Thursday, January 15, 2009]

The way how Posting Articles

For those of you who have experienced a few problems on how to post an article into the blog, then this will be in the study of the post in In the post some toolbar that you can gunakan.if you are using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel is probably will not have difficulty when a post articles, but may not have one when I study a glimpse of this, perhaps there are between friends we are still confused.

Toolbar when posting:


How to use the toolbar at the top of the block (marked) first words that will be in the edit, and press the button in the toolbar want.

Steps in a post the article:

1. Should first click the "Edit HTML", when in direct mode "Compose", often hangs on the computer (my personal experience). Copy of the article that you created earlier, and then paste in the post area. Edit according to your wishes.

2. Click the "compose" to do the editing (if you are still confused with the HTML code).

3. Click the tools that have the logo "panorama" blue, if you want to enter a picture or photo to decorate your post-an.

4. Click the "Preview" to see the results of the post-an who will appear in the blog, perhaps there is still a need in the edit.

5. Click the "publish". Done. The text of the paper you will be able to see and read in by the whole world.


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